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Selling a home is a lot more than just sticking a For Sale sign in the front yard and sitting back to wait for interested buyers to call. If you want to sell a home for top dollar—and sell it in a reasonable amount of time—you’ve got to put some work into making your home look fantastic, and that takes time. So if you’re thinking of selling your home in the spring, you’ve got to start now!

Here are some ways to get ready for spring home selling… right now.

Get rid of some clutter

decluttering for spring home selling

decluttering for spring home selling

Even if you’re not selling anytime soon, decluttering your home is a great way to bring some space and light into your home. We’ve all got some stuff we don’t really use or need, particularly in storage spaces like attics or closets, and taking time to sort through and toss or donate the extra stuff we don’t use can bring a surprising amount of space into your home—and give it a fresh new look.

Make those repairs

roof repairs for spring home selling

roof repairs for spring home selling

If you’ve been putting off repair projects (you know, that squeaky stair, the dripping faucet, the hanging shutter or shingle) for one reason or another...stop. Maintenance issues are highly deterring to buyers, and if found during a home inspection (or before) they could cost you a sale—or lead to a big price reduction. Taking care of maintenance issues long beforehand gives you time to get quotes and compare prices—or do it yourself.

Consider some upgrades

painting a home

painting a home

If your home is looking a little tired or out-of-date, now might be the time to consider what you need to do to bring it up to the modern age. You don’t have to start tearing down walls or adding bedrooms, though; start with simple, small projects—like painting, replacing countertops or appliances, or updating flooring—that can make your home look a lot better without costing you a ton.

Bonus: If you update now and sell later, you get to enjoy all your new updates, too!

Keep an eye on the market

watching the real estate market

watching the real estate market

When planning on any real estate venture, it’s always a good idea to just keep an eye on the market. What are homes around you listing for? Selling for? How do they compare to yours in age, size, condition, and overall appearance? How long do they sit on the market before selling? Knowing what the market is doing can give you an idea of what to expect in your own home sale—and whether the timing is right to make a move.

Research real estate agents

researching los angeles real estate agents

researching los angeles real estate agents

The most important thing you can do when selling a home is to sign on with an expert agent. If you’ve got a good agent, there’s a lot less for you to do, know, and worry about—from staging and pricing to showing and negotiating to closing.

You agent can recommend updates and repairs. Your agent can ensure your home’s priced effectively and keep an eye on the market. Your agent will also be able to help you negotiate for a good price and terms, and can walk you through the legalese and fine print.

Start Your Spring Home Selling with BKREG

If you’re thinking of selling a home in the LA area in spring 2020, then Brad Korb Real Estate Group is here to help! Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you price your home right, get it ready, and list it with ease!