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Welcome to Los Angeles! This big, bustling, and beautiful city is absolutely filled with amazing opportunities—epic hikes, all-star entertainment, unique neighborhoods, outstanding employment, fabulous restaurants… we’ve got it all. It’s a great place to live, but if you’re new to the area, moving here can seem a little overwhelming. We at Brad Korb Real Estate Group want to help you out. Here’s your guide to relocating to Los Angeles.

Choose Your Perfect Spot

relocating to los angeles

relocating to los angeles

LA is a BIG city, and it’s very diverse. Each of its many neighborhoods is a little different from the next one, and each has its own pros, cons, and amenities. Plus, one of the best ways to avoid LA’s somewhat notorious traffic is to live close to the places you want to be. That being said, choosing the right neighborhood is vitally important!

When starting to explore various neighborhoods of LA, think about how far you want to be from work—and how you’d like to get there (drive, bike, walk, take the subway, etc). Consider what amenities are important to have nearby (grocery store, restaurants, bars, parks).

Learn the Transportation Routes

on the freeway in los angeles

on the freeway in los angeles

LA does have a decent public transportation system if you live in the city or near a station, but most still prefer to drive. Driving around LA usually involves the freeway system, which can definitely be a little daunting for newcomers—five lanes of unending traffic, cars zipping around at 65+ mph, constant off and on ramps… But don’t worry. Like everybody here, you’ll get used to it!

When learning freeways, you’ve also got to learn the lingo! All the freeways have a name and a number, but most LA folks will only refer to the number. In other words, it’s the 405, not the San Diego Freeway.

Find a Job (If You Don’t Already Have One)

working in la

working in la

Los Angeles may be the “Entertainment Capital of the World” (hello Hollywood!), but entertainment is hardly the only industry alive and well here. We’ve also got technology, education, healthcare, aerospace, tourism, and more. Finding a job in LA usually isn’t too hard. However, as with any big city, LA can have some pretty fierce competition for good or high-paying jobs, so you’ll definitely want to pay a little extra attention to honing your resume.

Enjoy Some Free Activities

exploring a street in los angeles

exploring a street in los angeles

The downside to living in a big city is that it can be expensive. The upside is that there’s a lot to do—and a lot of it is free, too! Having fun in LA doesn’t have to break the bank, or even cost you anything at all! In fact, free fun is easy to come by—it’s as easy as heading over to the nearest park for a hike or a bike ride, popping into a museum, or taking a stroll through Hollywood or Downtown LA.

There are also tons of free events happening all the time in LA, from farmers markets to summer concerts to movies in the park. All you have to do is look!

Ready to Make Your Home in LA?

Are you thinking of relocating to Los Angeles or buying a home in the LA area? Brad Korb Real Estate Group would love to help! Contact us today to learn more about how we can ensure you find the perfect home in just the right location.